2018年6月的最后一場托福考試已經結束,綜合寫作考察了關于owl parrots物種數量下降的探討,獨立寫作則提出了“理想很豐滿,現實很骨感”的議題。下面我們來看看牛學教研中心老師帶來的20180630托福寫作真題回憶的具體內容分享。
閱讀:the population of owl parrots decline
1.the low rate of reproduction. they can only reach the food resource every few years not every year; the female can only raise one or two owls per season.
2. the low survival rate of eggs. Lots of eggs get ill or even die before their birth.
3. the killing of predators called stoats.
1. they can change the food to others, such as apple, which can be gained stably. With the sustainable food supply, they can improve the rate of reproduction.
2. The female can lay eggs in warm places or keep the eggs warm in certain place to prevent to lay them on night which is so cold that the eggs will die.
3. there are lots of small islands in New Zealand far from the mainland and owls can choose the islands which the stoats cannot locate accurately.
Some people prefer to focus on ambitious dreams while others think realistic goals are more important. Which do you prefer and why?