Fluency & Coherence
1.Can you speak at length on a topic? 就一個話題是否能夠回答得詳盡仔細,這就要求我們避免只簡單回答Yes or No這種答案。
2.Have you organized your ideas logically? 組織觀點是否有邏輯?
3.Have you used appropriate linking words?邏輯連接詞有沒有準確使用?
4.Do you speak clearly and smoothly?有沒有清晰流暢表達?
Grammatical Range & Accuracy
1. Have you used a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences?有沒有綜合使用簡單句、復合句還有復雜句?
2. Have you used a range of structures to convey modality, conditionals, active/passive, cause/effect and tenses?是否運用不同結構去體現語法的正確形式、條件句、主被動語態、因果句以及時態?
c) How well can the assessor understand you even though you have made some errors?如果回答有錯誤,那么考官是否能夠最大程度理解我所說的話?
Lexical Resource
1.Are the words and expressions you use appropriate and accurate?使用的詞匯和習慣表達是否準確貼切?
2. Do you have a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic?回答時使用的詞匯是否足夠豐富?
3. Have you used correct word forms?能否正確運用單詞的形式?
4. Have you used some idiomatic language?有沒有用到一些習慣用語?
5. How well can you talk about personal and familiar topics?談論到熟悉話題,表現的有沒有足夠優秀?
6.How well can you discuss more abstract topics?討論抽象話題時,表現的足夠好嗎?
1.Have you pronounced your words correctly?單詞發音是否正確?
2. How appropriately have you used stress and intonation?有沒有正確重讀,語調如何?
3. How well can the interviewer understand you?考官能夠準確理解表達的意思嗎?
4.Your voice is strong and clear?聲音是否自信清楚?