這類詞后接的句子大多對上文提出的論點進行強調,讓文章更具說服力,包括still, indeed, apparently, oddly enough, of course, significantly, interestingly, above all, surely, certainly, undoubtedly, in any case, anyway, especially, obviously, clearly...
【例】The loss increased to ?2m by the end of the last season. Obviously we need to figure out what went wrong with our plan. 上一季度的虧損達到了兩百萬英鎊,顯然我們應該想想究竟計劃出了什么問題。
這類詞的前后句往往是并列比較的關系,常用的有like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally等
【例】Carlos would not give up until he has his revenge. Likewise, Bill will not stop until he kills Carlos. 卡洛斯不實現復仇就絕不會放棄。同樣地,比爾一定要殺掉卡洛斯才會停手。
這類詞之后的句子往往與前文是對比關系,如by contrast, on the contrary, while, in contrast.
【例】London is the economical center of the United Kingdom. While Hong Kong is one of the largest financial center in Asia. 倫敦是英國的經濟中心。而香港是亞洲最大的金融中心之一。
這類詞就是表示“舉例”的意思,用的最多的就是for example了, 但其實還有很多詞可以替換哦,同一個意思用不同的詞,文章也會沒那么單調,老師也會覺得你的詞匯量很大哦,替換詞有for instance, such as, take ...for example, like等
【例】Rachel loves all the fancy dresses, like Gucci, D&G, Chanel etc..
表示時間的連接詞其實也隱含著對上文的一個承接關系,大多表示在前文的基礎上,接下來發生的事情,用的比較多的有:later, next, then, finally, eventually, from now on, at the same time, in the end, immediately, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, recently, soon, during, since, lately, as soon as, afterwards, temporarily, earlier, now, after a while
【例】You should told him first, then ask his permission. 你應該先告訴他,再征求他的同意。
在議論文中,順序連接詞的運用非常重要,它們能讓你的邏輯更清晰,文章也更有序。常用的有first, secondly, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and most important
【例】First of all, Shanghai is the largest city in China. Secondly, it is also the financial center of mainland China. 首先,上海是中國最大城市。第二,它也是中國大陸的金融中心。
這類詞一般解釋上文出現的名詞或概念,常用的有in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms等
【例】She found a little helper with her housework, that is, a maid. 她給自己找了一個家務小幫手,就是一名女傭。
中英文表達習慣不一樣,中文重含蓄,要“意會”,風格是“月亮代表我的心”,英文重表達,邏輯關系一定要講的明明白白,風格是大膽直接的“my love is a red rose”所以小編特此提醒:烤鴨們一定要注意在寫作中多用連接詞,這樣文章才更地道!