例:In the lecture, the professor discusses characteristics of folktales and fairy tales, indicate the characteristics of each type of the tale...Click in the correct boxes. This question is worth two points.
在這道題目中明顯提到discusses characteristics of folktales and fairy tales,因此可以看出他們之間是相互對比,并且他們之間是有差異的。通過文章的開頭部分我們就能得出本篇文章的主要內容就是童話和民謠的區別,因此對于這兩種故事要在聽的過程中著重他們的區別以及自身的特點。
選項1:Their appeal is now mainly to children
這句話在文章的最后體現出來,So why is it that fairy tales seem targeted toward children nowadays?用反義疑問句的形式表達了童話故事對于兒童來說很受歡迎。通過結尾原則和因果原則,在聽的過程中應該記錄到fairy tales和children.
選項2:The plot is the only stable element
對應文章中的講到同一個民間故事因為時間、地方等也會變得不一樣,故事Because of this, elements like place and time can no longer be tailored to suit a particular audience,暗示只有情節不變。因此屬于Folk tales.
選項3:The tales are transmitted orally
對應文章中So, what's a folktale? How would you characterize them? Jeff?,They were passed down orally within cultures from generation to generation,通過教授和學生的一問一答就可以看出folktale是通過passed down orally。在聽的過程中,問答原則也可以為考生提醒這里是重點所在。
選項4:There is one accepted version
對應文中But with a fairy tale, it's always there in a book, waiting to be discovered, again and again. 因此可以看出童話故事只在書本上這一種被接收的方式。通過轉折原則記錄關鍵信息,a fairy tale、 always in a book即可得出答案。
選項5:Characters are well developed
通過上面幾個選項的分析,我們知道民謠是通過口口相傳,而童話故事只出現在書本上,很顯然只有童話故事的角色塑造要比民謠塑造的好。還可以通過找出對應的原文But in fairy tales, people no longer have to remember plots. So more energy can be put into other elements of the story like character and setting. character and setting被很好的塑造因此本選項屬于童話故事。
選項6:The language is relatively formal