托福口語部分除了考察考生的英語水平,也會涉及對考生辯證思維能力的考察。牛學君在這里給各位TOEFLer分享一下如何利用辯證法搞定托福口語TASK 2,輕松斬獲托福口語高分。
Some teachers prefer students to send questions about course work or assignments by email. Others prefer students to ask the questions in person. Which do you prefer?答題時間:
Preparation Time: 15 seconds
Recording Time: 45 seconds
1. 此話題屬于教育類常見考題,重點區別在于通過郵件問課程問題還是直接當面問問題。
2. 通過郵件詢問課程問題的其中一個好處是節省時間,在學生放假期間也可以實現,并且對于家住在很遠的地方的學生來說很便利,即使遇到惡劣天氣也不會受到影響。
Well, if you ask me ___________, I would like to say that it depends ___________.
From my perspective of view, on one hand,(as for A) ___________.
On the other hand, (as for B) ___________.
1. Some people prefer… However, I think that it depends , …
2. From my perspective of view, …
3. On one hand, …
4. On the other hand, …
5. Also, …
范文與解析① Some people prefer sending questions about course work or assignments by email. However, I think that it depends on how hard the question is, and I would like to say something to support my conclusion as follows.② From my perspective of view, on one hand, with the help of internet, students on holiday in other states can still have discussions with the professor or send assignment by email. ③ And the professor, in any place in the world, is also contactable. It avoids travel in harsh weather, like storm or hurricane. An email solves all the problem. ④ On the other hand, if the question is really complex and needs to discuss, then I will choose go and ask professor directly. ⑤ Since its difficult to describe it with several sentences. Also, professor will be impressed with the discussion face to face rather than an email via internet, it might keep good relationship with professor.
It depends…(10″):
① 中先闡述和自己觀點對立的人認為用郵件來問教授關于課程或作業方面的問題比較好,隨后用however表明自己的觀點是否通過郵件詢問教授問題取決于問題的難易度,不能一刀切。
情況A + Details 1(15-20″):
② 中說到網絡發展給學生提供許多幫助,在節假日都可以與教授探討問題。觀點句明確,言簡意賅。③是對②的具體延展,指出教授即使在不同的地方也可以及時被聯系到。
情況B + Details 2(15-20″):
④ 中說道如果是一個很難或者需要討論的問題,應該直接去找教授更好。⑤提到因為郵件一兩句話無法闡明一個很困難的問題,因此面對面探討更勝郵件,加上直接跟教授交流能夠給教授留下好印象。