(1) 盲目地記錄一些文章細節,而忽略了對文章整體架構和主要信息的把握。
(2) 缺乏對文章內容進行歸納總結的能力,把握不住文章的重點。
(3) 不能通過閱讀短文從而找出接下來要陳述時所能擴展的點或者說是可以說的點。
(1) 在這部分中,大家好走兩個極端路線,一是對主體解釋的理論部分作了過多的陳述,二是對文章舉例部分描述太多,沒有把這兩個部分的比例合理安排好。
(2) 速記的能力有待提高,而且本身考試的時間也很有限。
(3) 考前沒有做充足的準備,沒有有計劃地進行相關針對性練習,所以導致對題型不了解或者是做題速度上不去。
(4) 有的托友本身的聽力、語法、詞匯的基礎就比較弱,缺乏聽力的技巧,譬如對signal words所透露的關鍵信息的把握。
(1) Independent task
做筆記時從以下三個方面進行記錄:topic主旨、sub-points or supporting details分論點、signal words or transitions信號詞。
Question: Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation.
Topic: library
Sub-point: read, study, rest, appointment
Signal words: firstly, secondly, moreover, the last but not the least
Sample answer:
A library is the most important place for me. I usually go to library twice a week. Firstly, I can read a lot of books for free in the library. Secondly, I can study therebecause it is a quiet place. Moreover, library is also a good place for me to have a rest, because no one bothers you there. The last but not the least, the libraryprovides a wonderful environment for lovers to make an appointment. My parents had such experience!
(2)Integrated task
Bus Service Elimination Planned
The University has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the buses run from the center of campus past university buildings and through some of the neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots.
The man expresses his opinion of the university's plan to eliminate the bus service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.
Sample answer:
Obviously the man disagrees with the idea that the school will eliminate the bus service, because he thinks the fee of the car parking is so expensive and it is unreasonable to change the road and eliminate the bus. Also he points that if the school expands the student parking, more and more students will drive to school which will cause a lot of noise and maybe more traffic accidents. As a result, the school should encourage the students to take bus instead of driving to school, which is also bad for the environment of the school.
(3) 除了要提高對信號詞的敏感度,在平常學習時也要有目的地多積累儲備一些信號詞,因為這些詞的正確使用不僅可以使你的口語表達更有條理、更加連貫,而且運用在寫作中也可以起到同樣的作用,何樂而不為呢?
(4) 多多學習并且記憶一些不錯的諺語,然后添加到你的主觀題部分,它們會起到畫龍點睛的作用!