很多同學以為toefl口語備考就是盡可能多說多練習,其實,沒有方向沒有針對性的練習可能只會事倍功半,想要實現托福口語順利突破,我們需要好好把握住toefl口語真題,不是單純做題就完事兒了,而是要揣摩一些優秀回答的思路和邏輯,借鑒其中亮眼的表達應用到自己的托福口語中。下面我們來看一篇toefl口語真題:“Zoos do more harm than good.” Discuss.同意或不同意:動物園是有用的,而不是有害的。
I am firmly in the pro-zoo camp.
Zoos protect against the extinction of species. Through the conservation of animals and their habitats, zoos are doing their part to bolster dwindling populations of wild animals. Simply put, without these efforts there would be fewer species alive today, and the world’s ecosystems would be poorer for it.
What’s more, a good zoo can be very educational. People in cities will never see a wild animal beyond a fox or pigeon, let alone a lion or giraffe. Sure, television nature documentaries get ever more detailed and impressive every year, but they still pale in comparison to seeing a living creature in the flesh, hearing it, smelling it and having the time to absorb details. That alone will bring a greater understanding and perspective to many, and hopefully give them a greater appreciation for wildlife, conservation efforts and what they can do to help.
動物園好 R1: zoos protect species going to extinction 保護動物不滅絕 R2: zoos are very educational 非常有教育意義
pro-zoo pro 贊成 pro-zoo贊成動物園 extinct 滅絕的 conservation 保護 bolster 支持;支撐 dwindling 減少 bolster dwindling populations of animals still living free in the wild 這里指動物園給在野外生存不斷減少的的動物很大的支持
以上就是關于“Zoos do more harm than good.” 的toefl口語真題剖析,大家在托福口語備考過程中可以