Describe what your life would be like if you were banned from using your cell phone for a month.描述一下,如果你被禁止使用手機一個月,你的生活會是怎樣的?
Cell phones have insinuated their way into our lives and are now integral.
In daily life, cell phones are superb scheduling and communication devices. Without them, we would be total wrecks. Apps like calendars, notes and alarms are respons-ible for re-mind-ing people of im-port-ant dates and events, or wak-ing them up in the morn-ing. FaceTime, email, and other social networking apps help us to stay connected with family and friends.
However, living without cell phones can also have some benefits. Phones overschedule and over regiment our lives, which robs us of opportunities. This near-universal access to cell phones, starting at ever younger ages, transfixes people in ways that can have negative effects on almost all aspects of life. Without them, we don’t feel compelled to check our phones every minute. We can once again simply live in and enjoy the moment.
1. Outline
人們非常依賴手機,但手機既有好處又有壞處 R1: life would be a complete mess 沒有手機的生活會一團亂 R2: interfere with our normal life 手機影響我們正常生活
2. Vocabulary
insinuated 使逐漸而巧妙地取得;使迂回地潛入 integral 完整的 total wrecks 這里指一團亂 廢物一般 相當于 totally disrupted overschedule 過度計劃 regiment 嚴格地管制 transfixes 釘住 使麻木 compelled 迫使的
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