托福口語task 2也被稱為托福口語比較題,主要要求考生對特定內容的對比或選擇給出自己的理解和想法,到底選擇哪一個其實并沒有對錯之分,但是考生一定要能給出自己的獨立判斷并提出有說服力的理由。針對托福口語比較題的備考,我們來看一道難度適中適合基礎一般考生的真題:Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others think that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better?有些人認為小孩子在小城鎮長大比較好。然而,另一些人則認為他們在大城市長大比較好。你認為哪一個更好?
Based on my own experience, I believe that it’s better for a kid to grow up in a big city. The following reasons should elucidate why I’m that way inclined.
First is the exposure to a more diverse group of people. People in big cities tend to meet and get to know people of different races, religions and social classes. This is less true in a small town. Thus, living in a city prepares children for life in a diverse society.
In addition, children growing up in the city typically have more opportunities when it comes to education. Most cities offer a variety of magnet, charter, private and public schools, which have to be competitive with one another (in price and quality) to keep their doors open.
Lastly, cities offer better social support services, such as libraries and recreation centers. Although these services typically exist in small towns, city facilities tend to be better equipped.
1. Outline
大城市更適合小孩成長 R1:exposure to diverse group of people 接觸更多多樣化的人 R2: more education resources 更多教育資源 R3: offer better social support services 提供更好的社會支持服務
2. Vocabulary
diverse 多樣化的 magnet magnet school 精英中學 特別才藝學校 charter 特許公立學校 美國的一種在州政府幫助下由家長、公司等辦的學校