托福口語一般分為綜合任務和獨立任務兩大類,獨立口語常常會考察考生對一些抽象話題的觀點想法,下面我們來看一篇難度較高的托福獨立口語真題:“The purpose of art is to guide our life.” Do you agree with this statement?藝術的目的是引導我們的生活。你同意還是不同意這個說法?
Art is the magic mirror that we create to turn invisible dreams into visible pictures. We use a mirror to see our faces. We use artwork to see our soul. Art is one of the most participative, dynamic and social forms of human behavior. It has the capacity to trigger reflection, generate empathy, create dialogue and foster new ideas and relationships. It offers a powerful and democratic way of expressing, sharing and shaping values. Art can help us build new capabilities and allows us to explore different ways of being and relating. Through art we can design useful and meaningful things, as art has increasingly become the basis of livelihoods and enterprises that are motivated by much more than profit. Art shapes the way we look at and understand the world. It forms the mental structures that order our ideas. It is the frame through which we construct the stories that we tell ourselves and others.
The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. – Pablo Piccasso
Art is a great status symbol in modern society and because of that it can be quite intimidating to the casual viewer. For many the first impulse is to blow it off, to see it as a worthless play thing for the rich and boring. This is too bad, not only because art can be a great source of pleasure in our lives, but because even a passing acquaintance with art can enrich and deepen our understanding of the world around us. Art lead us to a rich, meaningful and engaged life that goes well beyond job titles and salary levels.A lot of what artists do is tell stories. They help us make sense of our world, and they broaden our experience and understanding. The arts enable us to imagine the unimaginable, and to connect us to the past, the present, and the future, sometimes simultaneously.
Personally, i agree with the statement that the purpose of art is to guide our life. Though art is not designed only for guide our life. To some extent art change the way we see the world . The outlook of our life is altered by ideas we read in the books, the portrayal of people in films , the style we see in fashion photography. Actually, art is an effort to create a more human entity . It represents things of beauty and elegance .whats more , the art of human is a truly mirror of human , people will imitate the way art presents . The object of art , is to crystallize human emotions into thought , and then fix it in a concrete form .