very informal, sometimes offensive language that is used especially by people who belong to a particular group, such as young people or criminals.
1. be lit up like aChristmas tree喝醉之后非常高興
Mr. Bigdrink was lit up like a Christmas tree at the party last night.
2. think better of改變主意
When I saw Jim’s behavior, I thought better of dating him.當我見到Jin的舉止后,我改變主意打算不跟他約會了。
3. have another thinkcoming大錯特錯
If he thinks I’d marry him, he has another think coming.如果他認為我會跟他結婚,那就大錯特錯了。
4. windbag饒舌的人
John is such a windbag. He can talk for hours at a time without saying anything.
5. a baywindow大肚皮
Anyone who drinks beer too much is bound to get a bay window.喝啤酒太多的人,必然會落得一個大肚皮。
1. go public公開宣布
Mr. Smith went public today that he was retiring.史密斯先生今天公開宣布他要退休了。
2.make the grade稱職;合乎水準、要求
If you don’t make the grade, you can’t be a member of the club.如果你不合格,就不能成為俱樂部的一員。
3. get the drift了解
Stop me when you get the drift. I don’t want to bore you with something you already understand.
4. day in court申訴的機會
When Mr. Jones was explaining what has happened, Mr. Smith was silent. He knew he would get his day in court.
5. feelsomeone out探聽某人的意向
John asked Dave to feel Jane out about whether she’d be interested in going out with him.
1. get the hang of進入狀態,摸到竅門
I think if I practice serving a couple of times, I’ll get the hang of it.
2. out to lunch神經病,神志不清
Richard stands on his head in the shower. He’s really out to lunch.理查德在浴室倒立。他真是有病。
3. rapsheet犯罪記錄,前科
This isn’t his first offense. He has a rap sheet a mile long.這不是他第一次犯罪,他前科累累。
4. red tape官樣文章,繁瑣的程序
I need this information as soon as possible. See if you can cut through the red tape.
5. a fair shot相當大的希望
You have a fair shot at the scholarship.你很有希望能拿到獎學金。
1. set someoneback使某人破費
That dinner set me back sixty dollars.那頓晚飯花了我60美元。
2.pull a fast one欺騙
He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it.
3. pull rank擺架子
Don’t try to pull rank on me. We’re all equals here.別對我擺架子,這里人人平等。
4. readmy lips注意聽
Read my lips. I don’t like broccoli.注意聽,我不喜歡綠花椰菜。
Don’t burp so loud. It’s not polite.不要這么大聲打嗝,那樣不禮貌。
1. put on airs擺架子
I can’t stand Mary. She always putting on airs because she thinks she’s better than everybody else.
2. put…on theline賠上,不惜
I’d gladly put my reputation on the line for you. You’re my closest friend.我愿意為你搭上名譽你是我最好的朋友。
3. rag爛報
The National Enquirer is a real rag.《國家探密報》這份報紙真次。
4. chicken feed=peanuts小錢
I make chicken feed compared to you.
5. brown-nose拍馬屁
Harold is always brown-nosing the boss.哈羅德總是拍老板的馬屁。