If the following classes are offered in your community on weekends for free, which one will you choose:a finance course, a car maintenance-and-repair course, or a music-review course?
I think I would choose finance class if this finance class is offered in our community because I think finance or the economy is a very mysterious subject. Because I have seen economy has been up and down over the last three decades. Since I'm not in the economy related major. So I think it is very very mysterious but also mesmerizing. So I would like to choose the finance class.
1 mesmerizing
1 I would choose the finance class.
改正:I would choose a finance class.
1 economy has been up and down
改正:economy has been going/fluctuating up and down
Personally, I think I would choose to take a finance class if I could choose one course in my community, because I find it to be very mysterious subject in a way. It's something I don't really understand, unlike, for example, cars. I don't have any idea about finance. I think it is very difficult. I'm also interested in it, because economy has been going up and down these days. And an financial course would probably explain to me at least a littble bit of why that could be. And lastly, I would probably enjoy finance a lot because I really like math, it is probably my favorite subject. So I think learning finance would be another fun class for me to use my mathmetical brain.