Some people play games for fun, while others play games in order to win. Which do you prefer and why?
For me, playing games is one of the most useful ways to get relaxed. Having worked for the whole day, I'm always exhausted, and eager to get rid of this bad feelings by having some fun. Playing game is so helpful that it enable me to forget the worries and the stress in the day. However, if you play games just in order to win, you will be irritable, especially when you lose the game. People around you will take you as a person who are difficult to get well with. This will make it hard for you to know more friends.
1 fun
2 whole
3 win
4 feeling
5 take
6 worked
7 irritable
1 a person who are difficult to get well with
改正:a person who is difficult to get along with
2 it enable me to forget the worries
改正:it enables me to forget my worries
1 one of the most useful ways to get relaxed
改正:one of the best ways to relax
2 to know more friends
改正:to make friends
When I play games, I play for fun. I believe that playing games is one of the best ways to relax. After working all day, I'm always exhausted, so playing games and having fun enables me to forget my worries, and not be so stressed. Some people play games just to win, but I beleive if you play games to win, and you don't win, you will be irritable. And people will think you're difficult to get along with. So it will be a lot harder for you to make friends. So that's why I prefer to play for fun because there is no pressure involved. I can help myself relax, and it's just more fun that way.