v. 實施, 運用
托福例句:They exercised an influence far in excess of their numbers.(TPO46-2 The Commercial Revolution in Medieval Europe)
解析:exercise 常用的含義為名詞或動詞的“鍛煉”。而在托福閱讀中,經常會考察到“實施,使用”的意思,常用搭配是to exercise considerable or a great deal of influence over sb./sth.對某人/某事物產生很大影響,或者to exercise care in doing [something]小心做某事。本句理解為,他們發揮的影響遠遠超過他們的人口數量。
v. 用盡, 消耗, 花費(某事物)
v. 燒毀;毀滅
托福例句:The explosion is also calculated to have produced vast quantities of nitric acid and melted rock that sprayed out over much of Earth, starting widespread fires that must have consumed most terrestrial forests and grassland. (OG10 Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction)
解析:consume大家比較熟悉的意思是“消耗;用盡”的含義,同義詞是destroy。而在托福中,也會考察到consume作“燒毀, 毀滅”的含義。另外,本句需要注意有多個定語從句修飾和現在分詞修飾。本句釋義:據估計,爆炸過程還產生了大量的硝酸和被溶解的巖漿并噴出地球外,造成了大面積火災,大部分的森林和草原被燃盡。
n.&v. 影響
n. 撞擊
托福例句:There is increasing evidence that the impacts of meteorites have had important effects on Earth, particularly in the field of biological evolution.(OG10 Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction)
解析:impact常見意思為“影響”,可用動詞和名詞,經常和“on”一起搭配使用,常用短語“have an impact on sth”或者直接當動詞使用“impact on sth”。而在天文學的篇章中impact常見的意思為“撞擊”,例句中的impact就是“撞擊”的意思。整句話的翻譯為:“有越來越多的證據表明隕石的撞擊對地球有著重要的影響,特別是在生物進化領域。”
托福例句:Because some paintings were made directly over others, obliterating them, it is probable that a painting’s value ended with the migration it pictured.(OG Lascaux Cave Paintings)
解析:picture做“描繪”解,類似于describe,常用詞組為be pictured as:“被描繪為…”。這個含義大家應該能想象到。在本句話中需要注意代詞的指代對象,them是指“other paintings”,倒數第二個it是指“a painting”。此外it pictured 為修飾migration的定語從句。整句話的意思,因為有些畫直接畫在另一些畫上面,把原有畫面擦掉了,所以有可能這幅畫的價值隨著它所描繪遷徙過程的結束而結束了。
托福例句:By contrast, any explanation that focuses strictly on the dinosaurs completely misses the point. The Cretaceous extinctions were a global phenomenon, and dinosaurs were just a part of a bigger picture. (TPO42-2 Explaining Dinosaur Extinction)
解析:picture作為名詞解,除了圖片的意思外還有“情形/情況”的意思,常見的詞組有“to be in the picture- 了解情況,to put/keep sb. in the picture-讓某人了解情況,to see the bigger picture-關注大局”。這一意思在托福中也多次考察。本句的翻譯為:相反,任何只關注于恐龍的解釋都完全偏離了正確方向。白堊紀的滅絕是一個全球性的現象,而恐龍只是整體情況的一部分?!?/p>
n. 谷物
1. n. 顆粒物
托福例句: The commonest spaces are those among the particles—sand grains and tiny pebbles—of loose, unconsolidated sand and gravel.(TPO 1-3 Groundwater)
2. n. 紋理
托福例句:Most of the organic matter is buried in clay that is slowly converted to a fine-grained sedimentary rock known as shale.