1. 生物生態類考察點-物種(動、植物)驟減or 劇增
2. 生物生態類必備詞匯
理論:hypothesis, explanation,cause, theory
動物:predator, predation, pollution, climate change, habitat...
植物:climate change, insect, human action
動物:ecosystem, local species, food chain
植物:ecosysyem, environment
動物:virus, human action
植物:pesticide, assisted migration, research center, genetic modification
Topic: CT measures to stop CT in AUS
R1: national fence
R2:captured & destroyed by V'
L1 X stop young T & T eggs - rivers+stream one-another
L2 V bt destroy native frogs X tell CT from frogs
L3 X original habitat in SA rep+amphibians by re+pet collectors - ecological disaster - vital in America
開頭段: 表明topic +各自的立場
主體段: 各自觀點、相互關系、聽力反駁
以聽力的內容為主,閱讀的內容要改寫 先全后細:先保證觀點的完整,再加細節內容
The lecturer argues againstthe three measures mentioned in the reading passage to reduce the population of the cane toad, a species introduced to the Australian continent.
The lecturer argues that the first measure, a national fence, would not prevent the flow of streams or rivers and,(聽力觀點) therefore, would allow young toads or toad eggs to travel to the other side of the fence. (反駁理由)The reading passage, however, argues that such a fence would effectively cut off the Route that animals use to establish colonies and expand in population.(閱讀觀點)
Regarding the second measure, recruiting a large group of volunteers, the lecturer explains that volunteers often have difficulty distinguishing between cane toads and native frogs, an endangered species. Therefore, volunteers might kill members of both species. (聽力觀點+反駁理由)The Reading passage gives the opposite view. Organizing a large group of volunteers to join an extermination campaign would speed the destruction of cane toads.(閱讀觀點)
Finally the lecturer objects to the third measure—using an infectious virus. She points out that a virus intended to eliminate Australia's cane toad population could be transmitted through animal transportation to other continents where cane toads are an essential part of the ecosystem. (聽力觀點+反駁理由)This is indirect contradiction with the claim in the reading passage that an infectious virus could be developed to stop the reproduction of cane toads without harming other species.(閱讀觀點)
駁斥: refute, disagree with, cast doubts on, challenge, oppose, conflict with, deny the statement of, contradict
支持:support, enhance, hold, advocate,
轉折:in contrast, however, on the other hand, on contrary, while
列舉:first, second,third, first of all, secondly, also, finally, in the first place, futhermore, moreover