托福寫作部分一共分為兩大任務,task 1考察考生對閱讀材料和聽力材料的信息整合能力,task2考察考生對某一特定話題的獨立觀點表達,具體任務特點不同,我們的應對策略也不同。托福寫作task 2又被稱為托福獨立寫作,話題涉及的領域多樣,近年來隨著人們對環保等的關注越來越多,環境類是托福寫作task2熱門考察話題之一,下面我們來看一篇托福寫作task2環境類話題拓展的真題解析:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important to use land for human needs than to save land for endangered animals.
Perspective 1: Species
Sample sentences:
1. Since any chain of the ecosystem will influence the others, in order to protect the ecosystem, it’s the ultimate solution for human to maintain the species diversity.
2. As all species in the planet are equal and have the reason to survive, we cannot sacrifice others to satisfy our human.
Perspective 2: Human
人類也是生物圈里優勝劣汰(natural selection)的結果,作為生物鏈最高的一個等級生存在地球上。人類為了自身生存和發展勢必影響到某些其他生物。
Sample sentences:
1. As a matter of fact, the development of any species will definitely affect other species.
2. It is a fact of life that some species die out while others flourish, so people should not interfere with the extinction of animals but should instead allow nature to take its course.
Perspective 3: population control
Sample sentences:
1. The natural sources are limited, even if we expand our territory into the land for animals living, the sources will be exhausted soon in the future unless we control population.
2. Human should control the growth of population, saving land for other species, which can do help to preserve the limited resources.
以上就是關于托福寫作task 2環境類的真題思路拓展剖析與亮眼句型鋪墊,“冰凍三尺非一日之寒”,托福寫作能力和分數的提升是一條漫漫長路,希望各位TOEFLer努力把握好備考策略與技巧,借鑒他人經驗,做好日常練習與總結。