Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.
【解析】有了解過托福考試官方指南(Official Guide)的同學都應該知道獨立寫作5分原始分標準里面的第一條是“有效地回應寫作話題和任務”
具體來說,就是要求各位同學在看到題目之后,可以選用2-3個論點去論證自己的主要立場,這個立場就是全文的總論點,英文是‘Thesis’。很多同學的問題在于,在文章開頭可以提出一個很清晰的立場,同時頭腦中大概也能想到支撐該立場的原因,但是在真正開始寫主體段的時候,所用的表達方式、所寫的句子就會讓人看得云里霧里!換句話說,就是沒有很好地把關鍵內容——整個段落里面的‘核心’用一句話寫下來,這句話叫做文章的主題句,英文是‘Topic Sentence’ (TS)。那么如何解決這個問題呢?接下來我們就以下面這篇范文一起來探討一下。
In our country there has always been a spirit of volunteerism. As children, we are taught that helping those less fortunate is our responsibility. But unfortunately, the growing prosperity of the nation has placed an emphasis on materialism and individual success, creating a generation of youth that do not understand the meaning of being selfless. I believe young people today are not as charitable as previous generations of young people.
【解析】很多同學在拿到一個獨立寫作題目的時候,所面臨的第一個難點就是不知道該如何開頭。單刀直入的In my opinion,I agree…覺得太過簡單粗暴,而花式開頭又不知該從何入手。本文通過描述與該題材關鍵詞相關的一些社會現狀、現象、問題、趨勢等內容來引入話題。然后直截了當的表明傾向性立場。不過建議可以注意對“我認為”的表達,盡量避免使用“I think”、“I believe”等比較俗套的短語,可以使用比如“From my own perspective”, “I am inclined to”, “I am prone to”等表達方式。
The main reasons I am so skeptical of the inclination of today’s youth to help people is that they are spoiled. I remember when I was young and using a computer at the public library was a privilege. When my parents bought me my own computer when I went to university, I understood how much they sacrificed to give me that as a present. Nowadays, children see expensive computers, like the iPad and iPhone, as a necessity, not a privilege. They receive all these kinds of gifts without comprehending how much their parents sacrifice to give them the very best in the latest technology. They do not know what it is to be without. I believe this has created a generation of selfish young people who do not understand and cannot empathize with those less fortunate, making them less likely to feel compelled to help others.
In addition, I think this generation has not learned to respect others. Trapped in their own digital world, they are unaware of the disrespect they show their elders when they ignore their parents and grandparents as they text and talk on their cellphones. Maybe that is not the sole cause, but I see a distinct difference between how they behave and how my generation behaved at that age. For example, when riding the bus, it is commonplace to offer your seat to an elderly gentleman or lady. Now, when I ride the bus, I constantly see young people who are sitting in the seats specifically reserved for senior citizens and who basically refuse to vacate the seat when a senior citizen enters the bus. Instead, they pretend to be more absorbed in the game on their iPhones, pretending to be unaware of their obligation to offer their chair to those in need. Today’s youth are so wrapped in their own self-interests that they are disrespectful and do not willingly help those in need.
【解析】主題句在段落中充當著一個 ‘路標’(road map)的功能,它應該包含著段落要展開的一個核心思想。本文作者在段首明確自己的觀點,認為我們這一代人還沒有學會尊重他人。表達清楚,整個段落的核心內容很明了。從內容層面講,一個好的主題句一般都會包含以下兩個特征:
1. 包含論證的主題 (state the topic)
2. 提出個人對主題的明確觀點,而不僅僅是陳述一個事實 (include clear personal ideas; do not just state the fact)
Admittedly, it is not entirely correct to say that all young people are selfish and do not help others. The number of volunteer organizations in schools and community suggests that there are many youths who understand the importance of helping our fellow man. I am certain there are many students who full-heartedly believe in volunteerism and charity, but I think that in general these school volunteer programs serve a selfish end. Volunteering has more or less become a requirement for college applications. A student who does not have any volunteer service experience is a less competitive applicant than one who does have volunteer service experience. Although there may be a few students who genuinely believe in the social responsibility of charity, many students participate simply to forward their own self-interests.
【解析】托福考試官方指南(Official Guide)關于托福獨立寫作5分標準里面的第二條是“(文章)結構/邏輯好、內容拓展好,運用了十分合適的解釋、例證、以及或者細節”,這要求考生在段落內容拓展的時候要使用足夠的信息點(information)例如原因、例子和細節來支撐自己所寫該段的論點。作者每次提出一個分論點,都會舉一個具體示例去論證自己的觀點,使得內容豐滿殷實。
Today’s youth, who have been raised in a period of affluence and privilege and do not understand what it means to have nothing, are self-centered, disrespectful, and less likely to help other than previous generations.
【解析】面對托福獨立寫作,好的開頭固然重要,但是一個好的結尾,也能夠我們的作文增加分數。一個好的結尾段應該滿足如下幾個功能:1. 重申文章觀點;2. 總結主體段落的論點;3. 升華主題。
以上是今日為大家帶來的獨立寫作范文:Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.更多高分獨立范文解析,敬請關注牛學托福頻道。