首先來看一下advantage這個詞匯的基本含義,An advantage is a quality or condition that puts something in a favorable or superior position. 簡單來說,就是指一樣物品/一個人/一件事比另一個更好的原因所在,也就是優勢。
1. advantage of stn.
a. The advantage of living in a big city is that there is plenty of entertainment.
b. One advantage of living in a big city is that there is plenty of entertainment.
c. One of the advantages of living in a big city is that there is plenty of entertainment.
但是,當使用advantage of sth.時,一般來說都是放在句首比較多的,如果不是放在句首,那么這種用法就會顯得不太地道了,比如:
There are many advantages of living in a big city.
a. There are many advantages to living in a big city
b. There are many advantages in living in a big city.
Living in a big city has many advantages
2. have an advantage over sth.
這個用法也是比較常見的,對用于直接進行的兩者對比,常見句式是A has an advantage over B,其含義相當于A is in a favourable or superior position compared to B. 這種對比比較常見的用在商業類或是運動類相關的話題中,比如:
a. Our company has an advantage over our competitors.
b. The New York Knicks have a clear advantage over Miami Heat.
另外,這個用法中to have an advantage其實也可以寫成to be at an advantage,這種寫法也是比較地道的,還可以豐富你的詞匯用法,比如:
a. Our company is at an advantage over our competitors.
b. The New York Knicks are at a clear advantage over Miami Heat
a. Our company has an competitive advantage over our competitors.
3. advantage和各類常見動詞的搭配
gain an advantage/win an advantage:
Our company gained/won a competitive advantage over our competitors by reducing costs.
develop an advantage:
During the process of evolution, humans developed an intellectual advantage over other animals.
By reducing costs we could develop a competitive advantage over our competitors.
give sb. an advantage/offer sb. an advantage:
My English skills gave/offered me a clear advantage over other applicants.
take advantage of sth.:
You should take advantage of all the resources bestmytest.com offers to improve your English.
4. advange和to的兩種搭配用法
而除了和上述這些動詞搭配以外,advantage還可以直接和to進行搭配,比如to one's advantage以及to advantage,前者的用法一般表示對某人有好處或者有益等含義,給幾個例子大家體會一下:
a. The ice cream store was able to turn the hot weather to its advantage.
b. It is to your advantage to invest wisely.
c. The new regulations will work to our advantage.
而to advantage則意味著某物某事展現出了最好的一面或是達到了最佳效果等等,比如:
a. The photograph showed him to advantage.
b. Her shoes showed off her legs to advantage.
c. Plan your space to its best advantage.
5. advantage的形容詞advantageous用法介紹
a. The new tax system is advantageous to higher-rate taxpayers.
b. Living in university dormitories is advantageous to students.
c. The company believes the new location is advantageous to the growth of its business.