想要用好一個詞匯,大家要做的第一件事是了解這個詞匯的準確定義,disadvantage的定義是a quality or condition that puts something or someone in an unfavorable or inferior position compared to others. 這里需要注意的是compared to others這個細節部分,也就是說這個詞是用來對比的,換句話說,很多時候所謂的disadvantage其實都是相對而說的,如果沒有對比對象,那么這個詞匯也是不能隨意使用的,它和shortcome還是存在一定區別的。
1. disadvantage of sth.
a. The disadvantage of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education.
b. One disadvantage of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education.
c. One of the disadvantages of living in the countryside is the poor quality of education.
需要注意的是,disadvantage of sth.的用法最好用在句首部分,如果是虛詞結構(expletive construction)的句式比如There is/are之類的句子,就不要再直接接上disadvantage of sth.了,否則這種句子讀上去很不自然,一般老外是不會這么寫的,比如下面這幾個句子,中國考生可能看不出什么問題,但老外考官讀起來說不定就不太舒服了:
a. There are many disadvantages to living in the countryside.
b. There are many disadvantages in living in the countryside.
2. at a disadvantage
這個用法是在進行明顯對比時候會經常用到的一個搭配用法,而且經常搭配一些特定形容詞來體現對比差異,比如和competitive, clear, distinct這類詞匯放在一起,比如:
a. At a clear disadvantage
b. At a distinct disadvantage
c. At a competitive disadvantage
a. ___ (something) puts/places ___ (someone or something) at a disadvantage.
b. ___ (someone or something) is at a disadvantage.
a. His lack of formal education puts him at a clear disadvantage in the business world.
b. The new tariff policy will place my company at a competitive disadvantage in the marketplace.
c. You'll be at a disadvantage playing tennis against someone as skilled as Jimmy.
d. Children from poor families are at a distinct disadvantage in education.
3. to one’s disadvantage
disadvantage和介詞的另一個實用搭配就是to one’s disadvantage了,這個搭配的意思也很簡單,就是某件事給某個人造成了一些困難,常用句式有三個,句中句末都有,大家來了解一下:
___ (something) is to ___(one’s) disadvantage =
___ (something) works to ___(one’s) disadvantage =
___ (something) puts ___(someone) at a disadvantage
a. My lack of formal education is to my disadvantage in the business world.
b. I hope my lack of experience won't be to my disadvantage.
c. It is to your disadvantage to not take this opportunity.
d. The new tariff policy will work to our disadvantage.
4. disadvantage形容詞disadvantageous怎么用?
a. We have to resell the property at a disadvantageous time.
b. Minority groups find themselves in a disadvantageous position.
而除了直接使用外,它也有比較常見的用法搭配,也就是be disadvantageous to,來看實例:
a. Living off campus is disadvantageous to students.
b. The company believes the new regulation is disadvantageous to the growth of its business.
5. disadvantage形容詞disadvantaged用法介紹
a. Research shows that men from disadvantaged backgrounds experience lower rates of marriage.
b. Nowadays employers are reaching beyond their usual networks and hire more people from disadvantaged populations.
c. Aborigines are the most disadvantaged ethnic group in Australia.
d. Scholarships, grants, and financial aid make studying abroad affordable for disadvantaged students.
a. Research shows economically disadvantaged children enter school with less developed cognitive skills than their peers..
b. In addition to higher smoking prevalence, socially disadvantaged workers smoke more heavily and are less successful in quitting smoking compared to other workers.