Should higher education be available to all students or only to good students?
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.
兩個觀點都有些極端。所以,大家應該先分析,再選擇自己的立場。義務教育制度(institution of compulsory education )說明社會已經認識到基礎教育(fundamental education) 對所有的人都是必需的。但是大學教育是不是所有人都需要的?這個社會很多職業(比如,飲食業)不需要大學教育。讓所有的人都上大學,是不是成為過分的財政負擔(financial burden of the government)?用什么樣的方法確定一個學生good enough so as to deserve higher education? 考試?考試制度也有缺陷。可能選擇的立場比如:我們國家目前是需要更多的人接受大學教育。與此同時,一方面要保障大學教育的質量,另一方面,要改革考試制度,保障考生的公平機會。
Some people believe that only good students should have access to a university education. Others posit that higher education should be open to everyone, regardless of their academic abilities. I agree with the former opinion. Universities should only allow good students into their programs because these students value the importance of a good education and are interested in furthering their education. Furthermore, if all students were allowed into universities, the schools would quickly become saturated, and the quality of education received would diminish. A university education is very important to a good student. This type of student has set his/her sights on a university education from early on, and has put in the necessary work to earn a place in a good university. Poor students who did not try to achieve good grades in high school obviously do not care about their education, and therefore, do not deserve to go to university. However, if these poor students go back to school and improve their grades, they should also be allowed to go to university. Good students are very interested in furthering their education. They have put copious amounts of work into their education, and are interested in learning more. Poor students are usually not as interested in furthering their education. If they were interested in this, they would have tried harder to begin with. With that said, let us suppose for a moment that universities did allow all students, regardless of their grades, into university. The school would quickly become overfull, and good students, who really care about their education, would suffer because of it. They might not be able to get into the classes they want, and if they do get in, there might be so many students in the class that it is impossible to learn. In conclusion, I think that it is important to save a university education for those who really want it—good students. If a poor student wishes to go to university, then he/she will have to return to high school and improve his/her grades.