托福寫作對考生的寫作能力提出了多方面要求,這其中就包括了對大家語言運用language use的一些考研。而語言運用中對句式的合理使用也是較為重要的一個環節。下面小編就為大家分享一些針對托福寫作常見話題的實用高分句式。
1. 哲學,心理學,微積分以及其他的抽象學科不得不從書本當中學習,或主要來源于書本。
(教育話題; 難度:★★★★★)
Some knowledge, such abstract subjects as philosophy, psychology, calculus, is bound to be learned from books, or primarily from books.
2. 電視,這項以迅速變化和成長為標志的最普及和最有影響力的現代技術,正在步入一個極為成熟和多樣化的時代,這將重塑我們的生活和世界。
(科技話題; 難度:★★★★★)
Signed by the rapid change and progression, TV, the most prevalent and impacted modern technology, is stepping the era of tremendous mature and versatility, which will reshape our lives and world.
3. 隨著生活水平的提高,人們逐漸認識到了健康的飲食習慣的重要性。
(生活話題; 難度:★★)
There is now growing awareness of the significance of a balanced dieting habit as the living standard goes up.
4. 古埃及文明和金字塔對我非常有吸引力。
Ancient Egypt culture and pyramids are greatly interesting and fascinating to me.