A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?
這道題目是一個三選一的題目,這類題目最簡單的思考方式,就是從A,B,C三個選項中,選出其中一項,然后說出這一項的好處,然后說出另外兩種的缺陷,就可以了。此題,筆者建議選擇managing personal finances,具體思路如下:
理由一:獲得理財能力,可以幫助學生形成理性的消費觀,避免攀比心理,從而合理分配自己的零用錢。眾所周知,形成合理消費的習慣對于學生現在和未來的生活都起到非常重要的作用。(To begin with, Acquiring the ability of managing money can help students form a rational view of spending and avoid competing mind between each other, thus making them allocating money properly. As we know, the formation of distributing one’s financial resources has a great influence on students’ current and future life. )
理由二:學習做飯會存在安全隱患,因為學生缺乏安全意識,很容易引起火災。而且,會浪費時間,因為學生完全可以去餐廳吃飯,而不需要自己做飯。(Secondly, there are a few advantages of learning cooking. For one thing, potential safety hazards may accompany the process of cooking, because students usually lack the awareness of safety, which may result in the outbreak of fire. For another, cooking by students themselves may waste much precious time which can be saved by eating in canteen.)
理由三:學習修車對學生來說實用性不強,因為學生出行的方式主要是自行車或做公交車。(Thirdly, learning auto repair is not useful for students because most of them usually go to school by riding bike or taking public transportation.)
結尾段:綜上所述,我認為學校應該開始的課程是理財課。(Judging from what has been discussed above, it is reasonable to draw the conclusion that schools should require their students to take the course of managing finance. )