The main role of a university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.
讓步段:誠然,大學教授的一個重要的職責是去教育學生,為了幫助他們為將來的事業打下基礎。(Admittedly, one of the vital roles of university professors is to educate students for helping undergraduates to lay the foundation for their careers in the near future.)古語有云,師者,傳業授道解惑也,上面這句話表明老師是學生獲得知識的重要來源。這對于大學生即將踏入職場而言尤其如此。具體而言,一個英語專業的學生需要老師教授正確的發音和基本的聽說讀寫能力;一個金融專業的學生需要從老師那里獲得財會知識。
轉折段:但不管怎樣,教授的另外一個關鍵的職責是去做學術研究,這樣不僅可以推動科研的進步而且還可以提升老師的名氣。(Nevertheless, another crucial role of professors is doing academic research in order to promote the advances in scientific research and promote the fame of teachers.)一方面,在大多數國家科研人員主要組成就是高校教師。如果老師集中精力在科研上,國家的科研成果將會更加豐富,也有可能取得更多突破。另一方面,科研領域的成果將會在很大程度上提升老師的名氣,因為現在評判老師的一個很重要標準就是科研成果的多少。
遞進:在我看來,做研究其實比僅僅傳授知識更有意義。實際上,很多研究能夠讓學生參與到研究過程中,從而有效地培養學生們對于某一領域的興趣,進而激發他們更積極地學習更多知識。(From my perspective, doing academic research is virtually more significant than merely imparting knowledge. In fact, some research can effectively cultivate students’ interests in a certain field and can thus motivate them to acquire more knowledge in this realm energetically. )
1.Just as a saying goes,正如諺語所說:
Just as a saying goes, a teacher is the one who could propagate thedoctrine,impart professional knowledge and resolve doubts, which indicates that teachers are the main source of gaining knowledge.
2.Faculty from institution of higher education來自高等院校的教職工
The researchers and scholars in most countries are mainly composed of faculty from institution of higher education, especially prestigious universities.
3.The same is true of .. 對… 同理
The same is true of college students who are to enter into the employment.
4.Spawn research fruits in various fields 在諸多領域產生豐富科研成果
More time and energy of professors are dedicated to scientific research, which spawn research fruits in various fields.