2018年03月10日 托福寫作考題回憶 |
綜合 |
閱讀: 用水銀補牙不好:三個壞處 1. 有害健康 2. 有害環境 3. 有替代品
聽力: 教授反駁 1. 對健康危害小因為大部分人有健康危害是因為那些人對水銀過敏 2. 危害環境可以用一個separator解決 3. 替代品不好,因為口腔是濕的,正好水銀很干。如果用金子去代替,太貴了,會給政府帶來經濟壓力。 |
獨立 |
三種因素哪種最影響工作效率 1. Informed that they have rewarding 2. Quite environment 3. Something that interests you and you will not get bored |
思路: 1. 安靜的環境可以直接影響工作專注度。噪聲可能會分散人工作中的注意力,降低專注程度。 2. 噪音會影響人的身體精神狀態,間接地影響其工作效率。 3. 讓步段,肯定其他兩個選項能起到部分影響,同時指出其不足。
The creed of being efficient and quick has been adopted as many corporations’ theme that is considered to be consistent with the fast pace of current society. Thus, how to raise employees’ work enthusiasm and improve their work efficiency is the consideration of top priority by every employer. Among the three given options, reminding employees of rewarding, providing a tranquil work surrounding and assigning them work that they truly fancy, I am in favor of quiet environment as it affects both workers’ state of mind and health condition, which decides their work efficiency both directly and indirectly.
To begin with, only if an employee fully concentrates on a task can the work efficiency be improved, which is directly affected by the work environment surrounding him or her. No matter whether it is sound from automobile engine and horns, drilling machines down or upstairs, or the loud chatting and gossiping from colleagues around, when a quiet work environment disappears, hardly can an employee focus on what he or she is working on, or this even disrupts the whole process of work a person planed. Imagine when an accountant is busy completing an annual report of the company and immersing himself in a series of capitals on an Excel table, even a loud laughter would distract his or her thinking and discontinue the work.
In addition, a quiet environment affects employees’ mood and health, which indirectly influences their productivity. It is not hard to understand that only if people feel at ease can they be more efficient doing what they are obliged to. It is proven by science that different levels of noise pose corresponding threats on people’s physical conditions. For example, people would suffer from headache and sleep problems when surrounded with noise of 80-85 db and raged or tired easily if the noise rises up to 90-100db. What is worse, staying in the environment where one is exposed to noise of 100-120db would cause insomnia, memory deterioration and so forth. Thus, how could employees be expected to work efficiently with physical and mental health both being threatening by exterior noise in the work environment?
Admittedly, the other two options are seemingly effective. Rewarding can motivate employees and people are inclined to perform well in what they truly enjoy. However, on the one hand, rewarding is not a permanent or fundamental approach. Namely, employees are more likely to be greedy and dissatisfied with the rewarding soon and thus, they may ask for rising the rewarding, which undoubtedly adds extra costs for a company. On the other hand, even though a person does something he or she is interested in, a tranquil work environment is also the basic premise if he or she is supposed to accomplish the task quickly with high quality.
To conclude, it is a wise decision for employers to create a quiet environment for employees in consideration of improving their work efficiency. This is an effective and long-lasting approach that guarantees both employees’ concentration on work and their health condition. (506 words) |