相信廣大考生應該還記得中學時學過,地球的內部結構是一個同心狀圈層構造,由地心至地表依次分化為地核(core)、地幔(mantle)、地殼(crust)。地球地核、地幔和地殼的分界面,主要依據地震波(seismic/earthquake wave)傳播速度的急劇變化推測確定。如果把地球內部結構做個形象的比喻,它就像一個雞蛋,地核就相當于蛋黃,地幔就相當于蛋白,地殼就相當于蛋殼。
從地球的外部結構來看,則可以分成大氣圈(atmosphere)、水圈(hydrosphere)、生物圈(biosphere)和巖石圈(lithosphere),巖石圈包括地殼和地幔上部。地球上有七大洲和五大洋,分別是亞洲(Asia),歐洲(Europe),北美洲(North America),南美洲(South America),非洲(Africa),大洋洲(Oceania)和南極洲(Antarctica);太平洋(Pacific Ocean),大西洋(Atlantic Ocean),印度洋(Indian Ocean),北冰洋(Arctic Ocean)和南冰洋(Antarctic Ocean)。
教授開門見山提出主旨Today I want to talk about a way in which we are able to determine how old a piece of land, or some other geologic feature is - dating techniques. ……It's fundamental.即dating technique is fundamental.年代測定技術是重要的。這里對應本篇講座的第一題,主旨題What does the professor mainly discuss? 答案很明顯為 B. The importance of a technique used for dating geological materials. 就是對開門見山的第一句話的一種同義轉換。
那么,當我們知道文章的主線是講Dating technique is important之后,同學們肯定會思考:什么是dating technique?或者哪種dating technique?為什么它重要,所以接下來就要重點聽支持主旨句的細節信息。
接下來的第一句話非常重要,教授說Um… Take the Grand Canyon for instance.這里有大家熟悉的信號詞take sth. for instance,典型的舉例子講課法。而例子要聽舉例主體,即專有名詞Grand Canyon,教授會給出解釋,為什么Grand Canyon可以說明年代測定技術的重要性。教授用了今昔對比的講課法。在使用ULD這種新的dating technique之前,人們認為Grand Canyon的沙子來源于the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time,即附近的一個山脈。但在使用ULD之后,認為沙子來源于half of the sand from the Grand Canyon was actually once part of the Appalachian Mountain阿帕拉奇亞山脈。這里對應第二題Before the use of uranium-lead analysis, where did most geologists think the Grand Canyon sandstone came from?考昔日觀點,答案明顯為D. A nearby mountain range that had flattened out over time.基本為文中原話。這是一個典型的細節信息。
之后,教授對ULD這個專有名詞做進一步解釋說明,用到了過程講課法。聽此類信息時,注意每一步驟關鍵詞,主要為動詞和名詞(動作指向的對象)。因為這里可能考最難的一種題型-排序題,本題比較典型。原文為So if you measure the amount of Lead in the Zircon grain, you can figure out when the grain was formed. After that, you can determine the age of Zircon from different mountain ranges. Once you do that, you can compare the age of the Zircon in the sandstone in your sample to the age of the Zircon in the mountains. If the age of the Zircon matches the age of one of the mountain ranges, then it means the sandstone actually used to be part of that particular mountain range.本段比較專業,即使是做閱讀理解,學生都會感覺難懂,所以這里必須借助合理的有效的筆記法來答題,即識別第一步驟動詞measure ,第二步動詞為determine,第三步為compare,最后一步為match,我們發現有了這四個關鍵詞,第三題 In the talk, the professor describe the sequence of uranium-lead dating. Summarize the sequence by putting the events in the correct order. 排序題即可以做:正確的步驟為CBA,第三步沒有考。A. Zircon in the sandstone is matched to the zircon in a particular mountain range. B. The age o zircon in a sandstone sample is determined. C. The amount of lead in sandstone zircon is measured. 我們發現本題選項中的關鍵詞沒有變化,只是將主動語態變為了被動語態。
接下來的第四題考查的是According to the professor, what change has caused uranium-lead dating to gain popularity recently?最近 ULD變的流行的主要原因是什么?答案為B. It can now be done more efficiently. 對應文中原話為But technical advances have cut down on the number of grains you have to study, so you get your results faster.轉折之后的重點信息為本題答案,此技術現在變的更加有效。
講座的最后一段,教授認為這種新技術在未來會有大量的新的應用,并且用了舉例子的方法講了其中一種他自己想到的應用方式。這里對應第五題Why does the professor talk about the breaking apart of Earth's continents? 答案為A. To give another example of how uranium-lead dating might be useful。典型的舉例子細節信息考點,問到了為何舉例子,答案是例子前面的Topic。