Which of the following job do you think should be paid the most: 1. doctors 2. teachers 3. police officer?
【加長版】 Although teachers and police officers are also quite important for the whole society, I still believe that doctors deserve the highest salaries.
First, it takes a lot of time and money to be a doctor. To get fully prepared, medical students need to take almost 15 years to acquire the basic knowledge and practical skills both at school and in the hospital, not to mention the high tuition fees. So doctors should be paid the most to cover the cost.
Besides, doctors often have little time to spend with their families, while earning a good salary allows them to use the money to compensate their families and thus they can be more concentrated on their own jobs.
【簡潔版】 Although teachers and police officers are also quite important, I still think doctors deserve to be paid the most.
First, doctors need the highest salaries to cover the cost of their tuition fees and compensate their time spent in acquiring the basic knowledge and practical skills both at school and in the hospital.
Besides, doctors can be more concentrated on their own jobs by earning a good salary because they often have no time to spend with families and thus need to use the salaries to make up for them.
(如果怕沒有細節,可以補充:For example, they can use the money to send their parents to travel abroad.)
Although teachers and police officers are also quite important for the whole society, I still believe that doctors deserve the highest salaries.
First, it takes a lot of time and money to be a doctor. To get fully prepared, medical students need to take almost 15 years to acquire the basic knowledge and practical skills both at school and in the hospital, not to mention the high tuition fees. So doctors should be paid the most to cover the cost.
Besides, doctors often have little time to spend with their families, while earning a good salary allows them to use the money to compensate their families and thus they can be more concentrated on their own jobs.(117 words)
Although teachers and police officers are also quite important, I still think doctors deserve to be paid the most.
First, doctors need the highest salaries to cover the cost of their tuition fees and compensate their time spent in acquiring the basic knowledge and practical skills both at school and in the hospital.
Besides, doctors can be more concentrated on their own jobs by earning a good salary because they often have no time to spend with families and thus need to use the salaries to make up for them.(90words)
(如果怕沒有細節,可以補充:For example, they can use the money to send their parents to travel abroad.)
1. although 的th不要忘記咬舌,而且不要亂加r。有同學現在發的是“熬豆”,甚至“熬豆兒”,還有人發的是“熬揍”,就差挨揍了。這都不對,基本“熬揍”咬一下舌尖,就對了!
2. society 很多人都讀成了socierty,那就沒有人能聽懂啦!(大家非常喜歡在/?/ 后邊加r)
類似的: campus, delicious,famous, tedious都是3. almost 注意不要讀成alr most (大家非常喜歡在l的尾音后邊加r)類似的:also, always, altogether, cool都不要加r4. 同理:medical, practical 不要在cal后邊多了r【其他類別】5. police,務必和politics分開:politics重音在第一音節/'p?l?t?ks/,police重音在第二音節/p?'li?s/ 且o的發音不同。同時,和please分開:police的p后邊有元音/p?/,please/pli?z/的p后邊沒有任何元音,只是單純的輕輔音,請不要受漢語拼音的影響!6. officer /??fis?(r)/重音在第一音節哦!要跟official/?'f??(?)l/ (重音在第二音節)區分開,而且official的cial不要亂加r!7. deserve 這個詞的s發的是z的音,音標是/d?'z??(r)v/
8. doctor不要吞c,那就成了daughter啦!
9. own 不要吞n這個鼻音,容易被大家發成owe,“自己的”被你發的好像“欠誰錢”一樣,多不好!
1. 【deserve the highest salary】值得被給予最高的工資 (deserve sth.)后邊還提到:deserve to be paid the most 一樣的意思,不一樣的用法(deserve to do sth.)
2. 【it takes a lot of time and money to do sth.】做某事花費很多時間。(前面的it是形式主語,最后的to do sth.才是真正的主語。這里請注意:to do 不定式或者that引導的主語從句可以做真正主語,但是doing sth.不可以!比如:It takes a lot of time and money doing sth.就不行哦!)
3.【not to mention的用法】 “更不用說”,這個詞組后邊只能接名詞/名詞性質的詞組,如果你想要接句子,還是用之前教過的trick即可:not to mention the fact that...加同位語從句即可(真的是相當實用的技巧呀!)
4. 【have little time to do sth.】沒有時間做某事,就相當于:have no time to do sth.這里的little其實就是一個否定詞,幾乎沒有 = 沒有。類似的還有Few,不過這個詞的特點是要接可數名詞,而且是可數名詞的復數形式。是的!你沒有聽錯!“幾乎沒有”后邊還要接復數!比如:路上幾乎沒有車。There are few cars on the road. 不可以不加s哦!Pt記得上上期寫作小分隊的同學們還狠狠糾結過這個奇葩的單詞。希望大家都不要再錯哦!
5. 【be concentrated on sth.】集中精力做某事。大家還可以說be focused on sth.或者concentrate one's efforts/ attention / energy / mind on sth. 還可以說make a concentrated effort to do sth.