What are the advantages and the disadvantages of children playing computer games?
The playing of computer games is a double-edged sword.
On the up side, playing computer games often helps to develop kids’ team spirit. The key to winning games like Dota and World of Warcraft (WOW) is to be selfless and to watch your teammates’ backs. Kids who play computer games will have a profound experience of team spirit. Also, it is a good thing to relax with a computer game after a long day of study. It refreshes the mind for the coming days.
On the down side, playing computer games too often can be detrimental for both the physical and psychological well-being of kids. Exposure to screens for too long is bad for eyesight and sleep patterns. In addition, game addicts lack real life interaction with people, and there is also the widely documented rise in cyberbullying due to the hypersexualization of female characters in video games. All of these may lead to mental health problems.
1. Outline
double-edged sword電腦游戲是雙刃劍 R1: advantage: develop kids’ team spirits & relax 好處:發展孩子團隊合作精神; 放松 R2: disadvantage: psychologically and physically harmful 對身心不健康
2. Vocabulary
double-edged sword:雙刃劍,一般用來表示事物有好處也有壞處 team spirit 團隊精神 也可以說 teamwork skills watch someone’s back 可以理解為 為別人把風 相互守護的意思 for the coming days:即將到來的日子里,可以用the days to come代替 detrimental adj. 不利的;有害的 well-being 健康; 康樂 game addicts:玩游戲上癮的人 cyberbullying 網上欺凌 hypersexualization 超級性化 這里理解為過于強調女性性別特性的意思