Describe your favorite movie.
My favorite movie is Harry Potter. I enjoy it for the following reasons.
First of all, Harry Potter is a good story that is approachable from any age. It’s epic, especially for a children’s series, but it’s not terribly long. Also, although the story is a fantasy, it’s an easily digestible and somehow relatable one. J.K. Rowling’s world of magic isn’t all that complicated and it seems almost plausible at times.
Second, one of the main themes of Harry Potter is love. Not the lovey dovey type of love found in horrible teen romances, but the love people feel in the real world. The characters treat friends and families with respect and, in the end, good triumphs over evil.
Coco is one of the most culturally-diverse human family drama which has already impressed all with its heartfelt trailer. Here are the reasons.
First, I laugh and cry with Coco. The scenes in which living families reunite with loved ones who have died will conjure quite a many emotional memories for viewers. In true Pixar tradition, there is amazingly goofy humor to lighten the mood, too.
Second, the uplifting and foot tapping music. The film scenes have been beautifully complemented with a mesmerizing soundtrack. If you’ve seen “Coco”, you might have left the theater with the song “Remember Me” stuck in your head. Will the Oscars be humming that same tune next year?
You know what?! People also say Pixar's Coco Is a “Love Letter to Mexico” in the Age of Trump. well, I don't know what to say about that.
其次, 這部電影的場景中還完美嵌入了醉人的配樂。如果你看過Coco,離開劇院時Remember Me的歌聲一定會回蕩在你的腦海中。奧斯卡頒獎明年響起同樣的曲子么?