愛迪生說,成功是由99%的汗水和1%的天賦構成的。可是這句話還有個后半句不為大多數人所知——如果沒有那最關鍵的1%的天賦,那99%的汗水其實也是徒勞。那么對于藝術家來說,到底是天賦才華更重要還是努力更重要?我們來看一篇難度較大、適合沖刺段童鞋備考練習的托福獨立口語真題:Do you agree with the following statement? To be an artist, a person’s talent is more important than his or her hard work.
Do you agree with the following statement? To be an artist, a person’s talent is more important than his or her hard work.
Personally, I believe that hard work is more important than talent in every line of work. This rule is particularly relevant to the field of art. Here’s why.
First, hard work is the key to success. Talented people with little or no practice may achieve nothing. Though children with little or no talent frequently achieve success.
Second, anyone can do anything so long as they’re not lazy and jaded. In fact, hard work is a trait that can be ingrained into each and every one of us. To become a consummate public speaker, for instance, all that is required is motivation to practice how to grab the attention of the audience. The same rule applies to any given form of art.
【高分范文回答2 】
I think Talent is more important than hard work to be an artist. First,Hard work is a form of natural talent.Tenacity, itself, is believed to be a form of natural talent and is not something that every person is capable of. Having the consistent ability to work hard towards a certain goal, despite all the difficulties, is considered a natural gift. It would be easy to judge talent by a particular work, such as a painting, because it will be more conceivable. Second,talent is essential for success. People are said to be “natural” or “gifted”, and this belief is the foundation of most, if not all, talent scouting programs that aim to recruit children with untapped or raw talents that they can build upon with rigorous preparations and training. The primary reason for this is that natural talent is thought of as a completely essential ingredient of a top performer. Some scouts even believe that without it, one can only go so far.
以上就是關于托福獨立口語沖刺段真題Do you agree with the following statement? To be an artist, a person’s talent is more important than his or her hard work.的討論分享,托福口語水平的提升無法速成,只能通過揣摩借鑒優秀回答、積極進行真題練習與反思獲得進步。