托福獨立口語主要考察我們是否具備用英文流利表達對給定話題的觀點、并且能夠通過有說服力的論據闡明強化觀點的能力,獨立口語部分也是最適合拿來夯實口語基礎、培養口語考試熟練感的題型。牛學君為各位分享一篇難度中等、適合基礎段考生提升口語能力的托福獨立口語真題:If your friend wants to make a big purchase without having enough money, what can he do to get enough money?如果你的朋友想在沒有足夠錢的情況下買一個很貴的東西,他能做些什么來獲得足夠的錢?希望對各位的托福口語備考有所幫助。
It can be tough sometimes for anyone studying at university to make a big purchase. But, with a little resilience and ingenuity, he can find ways to make money.
One way is through participating in laboratorial studies during free time. Many universities and pharmaceutical companies pay people to take part in studies or clinical trials. He could find current trials and apply for them, check online classified sites, and surf official university and clinic websites. Through this, he will not only earn some money, but also rapidly improve his technical skills.
In addition, another increasingly popular way for students to make money is to work at a fast food restaurant. It’s not the most glamorous job on earth, but fast food restaurants are the biggest employers of college students in the world. The work is fairly easy, but one should be prepared to enter a high-pressure environment during peak business hours.
There are always ways if he tries 如果嘗試總能找到賺錢的辦法 R1: participating in laboratorial studies 參加實驗研究 R2: work at a restaurant 在快餐店工作
resilience 韌性 ingenuity 心靈手巧,獨創性 laboratorial 實驗室的,實驗的 pharmaceutical 制藥(學)的 clinical trials 臨床試驗 classified sites 分類網站 glamorous 迷人的,富有魅力的
以上就是關于If your friend wants to make a big purchase without having enough money, what can he do to get enough money?的托福獨立口語真題分享,我們在托福口語備考過程中一定要注意結合高分回答范文,加強對真題的練習和反思,另外注意練習的時候一定要錄音計時,模擬實考的緊迫感才能更好地實現口語水平和分數的雙提升。