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A cooler head
Thomas Schelling, economist and nuclear strategist, died on December 13th, aged 95
WITHIN half an hour of waking up on October 10th 2005, Thomas Schelling received four phone calls. The first was from the secretary of the Nobel Committee, with news that he and Robert Aumann had jointly won that year’s prize for economics. During the fourth call, when asked how winning felt, he answered: “Well, it feels busy.” He was nothing if not truthful. He also confessed to feeling confused about which bit of his work had won the prize.
2005年10月10日,托馬斯·謝林(Thomas Schelling)在醒來后的半小時內接了四個電話。第一個是諾貝爾獎委員會的秘書打來的,告知他和羅伯特·奧曼(Robert Aumann)共同獲得了該年的諾貝爾經濟學獎。到了第四個電話,當被問到獲獎有何感受時,謝林答道:“哦,覺得挺忙的”。他再坦率不過了。他還坦言覺得納悶,不知道自己因為哪部分成果拿了這個獎。
It might have been his work on addiction—flicked off like ash from his own struggles with smoking. Economists must understand, he wrote, the man who swears “never again to risk orphaning his children with lung cancer”, yet is scouring the streets three hours later for an open shop selling cigarettes. Mr Schelling’s work laid (largely unacknowledged) foundations for future behavioural economists. In his thinking, addicts have two selves, one keen for healthy lungs and another craving a smoke. Self-control strategies involve drawing battle lines between them.
The prize could also have been for his work on segregation, showing how mild individual preferences could lead to extreme group outcomes. Even if people do not mind living in a mixed community but have just a slight inclination to live near others like themselves, that could lead to deep racial segregation.
By the time Mr Schelling arrived in Sweden in December 2005, he had worked out what the prize was for. His acceptance speech observed that “the most spectacular event of the past half century is one that did not occur. We have enjoyed 60 years without nuclear weapons exploded in anger…what a stunning achievement—or, if not achievement, what stunning good fortune!” If achievement was the word, the credit was partly his.
Like so many of his generation, Mr Schelling was drawn to economics by the horrors of the Depression in the 1930s. By the time he had finished his PhD in 1948, the agenda had changed. With the wounds of the second world war still fresh, the priority was to prevent a third. He dipped into government, gaining first-hand experience of negotiations, such as those that established NATO. Then in the 1950s he began publishing academic work on bargaining, using his crystal-clear prose to formalise concepts that gifted negotiators knew instinctively, and shunning what Richard Zeckhauser, a colleague, called the “Journal of Advanced Economic Gobbledygook”.
和他那一代的很多人一樣,謝林被經濟學吸引是緣于對上世紀30年代大蕭條的恐慌。到1948年他獲得經濟學博士學位時,形勢已經發生了變化。二戰新傷未愈,防止第三次世界大戰爆發成了第一要務。他曾在政府里短暫就職,獲得了關于談判的第一手經驗,例如建立北約時的磋商。50年代他開始發表關于談判的學術著作,用他非常清晰明了的行文將一些有天賦的談判者憑直覺就知道的概念表述出來,避免成為同事理查德·澤克豪斯(Richard Zeckhauser)所說的“《高級經濟學天書期刊》”。
The conflicts Mr Schelling considered transcended the case of two parties scrapping for a bigger slice of a fixed pie. The richness of his subject lay in the truth that “in international affairs, there is mutual dependence as well as opposition.” As neither America nor the Soviet Union wanted to be engulfed in a nuclear mushroom cloud, there was scope for military strategy involving wit, not weaponry. In 1960 he set out his ideas in a book, “The Strategy of Conflict”, which showed how the advantages of co-operation could overcome antagonism, even without a formal bargain.
謝林所考慮的沖突超越了“從固定大小的餡餅中搶奪更大塊”的情形。他立論的豐富是基于這樣一個事實:“在國際事務中,既有相互依賴,也有對立。”無論是美國還是前蘇聯都不想被核爆炸蘑菇云吞沒,那么就有了空間來施展依賴智慧而非武器的軍事策略。1960年他在《沖突的戰略》(The Strategy of Conflict)一書中闡述了自己的觀點,證明合作的好處如何能夠消減對立,甚至不需要一場正式的談判。
“Any time somebody talks about deterrence, they’re influenced by Schelling,” says Lawrence Freedman, author of “Strategy: A History”. This deterrence could take several forms. Counter-intuitively, limiting your options can strengthen your hand, by convincing the enemy of your seriousness. Applied to nuclear strategy, Mr Schelling saw that it was important to persuade the opposition that in the event of a nuclear attack, there would be a counter-strike. Weapons that would retaliate automatically if the country was attacked could deter nuclear aggression in the first place, so defending such weapons was the best way of defending civilian lives. The important thing was to avoid a situation in which one side attacked so as to offset the other’s perceived first-mover advantage.
“任何時候若有人談到威懾,就一定受到了謝林的影響。”《戰略的歷史》(Strategy: A History)的作者勞倫斯·弗里德曼(Lawrence Freedman)說道。這種威懾可能有多種表現形式。與我們的直覺恰恰相反的是,限制你的選擇能夠增強你的威懾力,因為這讓敵人確信你是認真的。運用到核戰略上,謝林認為重要的是要讓對方相信,自己在遭到核攻擊時會發起反擊。當國家受到襲擊時會自動實施報復的武器能在一開始就阻遏核侵略,因此支持使用這類武器是保衛國民生命的最佳方式。重要的是避免一種情況,即一方為了抵消它認為對方所具有的先發優勢而襲擊對方。
Mr Schelling also promoted the importance of reputation as a useful deterrent. Richard Nixon understood this with what he called his “madman theory”: the idea of making the North Vietnamese enemy believe he was capable of anything, including pressing the nuclear button. But consistent behaviour can have as deterrent an effect as erratic unpredictability: if your adversaries believe that you will keep your word, then your word can shape their actions. The danger of this approach, however, is that it could lead to perseverance with a stupid strategy, just to save face.
United we stand
Mr Schelling was often referred to as a game theorist, despite not calling himself one. His methods marked him apart. Mathematical minds had proven elegantly that Mr Schelling’s games would always have solutions. There would always be at least one set of strategies where each side was playing its best possible response to the other. When whittling down the number of options, however, the mathematical approach was to chuck more assumptions and equations at the problem. Mr Schelling, in contrast, thought that just as one could not deduce logically whether any given joke will make people laugh, so it was ludicrous to deduce what people might think in a nuclear war from logic alone.
Mr Schelling looked to the real world for help, and argued that shared norms were the answer. When he asked his students to pick a meeting place in New York, unco-ordinated, most would settle on the clock at Grand Central station. In his prize lecture, Mr Schelling used this idea to help explain why nuclear weapons had not been used on the battlefield for so long: their use was a taboo, so the world could settle on a focal point.
On that busy morning of October 10th, when pressed by the third journalist of the morning, Mr Schelling refrained from advising young people. “I wouldn’t necessarily try to talk somebody into…becoming an economist.” Instead of being confined by any academic discipline, he led by example, tackling some of the world’s most worrying—and most intractable—problems.