Artificial intelligence
Google’s hippocampus
Alphabet has plenty of AI expertise, so why does it need DeepMind?
DEEPMIND’S office is tucked away in a nondescript building next to London’s Kings Cross train station. From the outside, it doesn’t look like something that two of the world’s most powerful technology companies, Facebook and Google, would have fought to acquire. Google won, buying DeepMind for £400m ($660m) in January 2014. But why did it want to own a British artificial-intelligence (AI) company in the first place? Google was already on the cutting edge of machine learning and AI, its newly trendy cousin. What value could DeepMind provide?
That question has become a little more pressing. Before October 2015 Google’s gigantic advertising revenues had cast a comfortable shade in which ambitious, zero-revenue projects like DeepMind could shelter. Then Google conjured up a corporate superstructure called Alphabet, slotting itself in as the only profitable firm. For the first time, other businesses had their combined revenues broken out from Google’s on the balance-sheet, placing them under more scrutiny (see next article). But understanding DeepMind’s worth is not a simple financial question. Its value is deeper than that.
DeepMind’s most immediate benefit to Google and Alphabet is the advantage it gives in the strategic battle that technology companies are waging over AI (see chart). It hoovers up talent, keeping researchers away from competitors like Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon. The Kings Cross office already houses about 400 computer scientists and neuroscientists, and there is talk of expanding that to 1,000.
Another boost to the mother ship comes in the form of prestige. DeepMind has reached the cover of Nature, a highly regarded academic journal, twice since it was acquired. Gigantic copies of the relevant covers adorn the walls of the office lobby. The first was for a video-game-playing AI programme the second for one that learned to play the ancient Asian board game of Go. Named AlphaGo for its parent, that software went on to make headlines around the world when it beat Lee Sedol, a South Korean champion, in March 2016 (the match is pictured here).
DeepMind’s horizons stretch far beyond talent capture and public attention, however. Demis Hassabis, its CEO and one of its co-founders, describes the company as a new kind of research organisation, combining the long-term outlook of academia with “the energy and focus of a technology startup”—to say nothing of Alphabet’s cash. He founded it in 2010, along with Mustafa Suleyman and Shane Legg. Mr Legg and Mr Hassabis met as neuroscience researchers at University College, London; Mr Suleyman is a childhood friend of Mr Hassabis’s.
然而,DeepMind的眼光遠不止于吸引人才和公眾關注。其CEO及聯合創始人德米斯·哈薩比斯(Demis Hassabis)將公司描述為一種新型的研究機構:既擁有學術領域的長遠眼界,也具備“科技創業公司的活力和專注”,而Alphabet的資金就更不用說了。哈薩比斯在2010年與穆斯塔法·蘇萊曼(Mustafa Suleyman)和謝恩·列格(Shane Legg)一起創立了DeepMind。列格與哈薩比斯在倫敦大學學院(University College, London)從事神經科學研究時相識,蘇萊曼則是哈薩比斯兒時的玩伴。
The firm’s overall mission, as Mr Hassabis puts it, is to “solve intelligence”. This would allow the firm to create multifunctional, “general” artificial intelligence that can think as broadly and effectively as a human. Being bought by Google had several attractions. One was access to the technology firm’s computing power. Another was Google’s profitability; a weaker buyer would have been more likely to require DeepMind to make money. This way Mr Hassabis can focus on research rather than the detail of running a firm. And by keeping DeepMind in London, at a safe distance from Google’s Silicon Valley base in Mountain View, he can retain more control over the operation.
Were he to succeed in creating a general-purpose AI, that would obviously be enormously valuable to Alphabet. It would in effect give the firm a digital employee that could be copied over and over again in service of multiple problems. Yet DeepMind’s research agenda is not—or not yet—the same thing as a business model. And its time frames are extremely long. Mr Hassabis says the company is following a 20-year road map. DeepMind aims to invent new kinds of AI algorithms, he adds, that are inspired by the way the human brain works. This explains the firm’s large number of neuroscientists. Mr Hassabis claims that seeking inspiration from the brain sets his firm far apart from other machine-learning research units and in particular from “deep learning”, the powerful branch of machine-learning that is being used by the Google Brain unit.
Even if DeepMind never achieves human-level (or indeed, superhuman) artificial intelligence, however, the learning software that it creates along the way can still benefit other Alphabet businesses. This has already happened. In July the company announced that its learning software had found a way to reduce the quantity of electricity that is needed to cool Google data centres, by two-fifths. The software learned about the task by crunching data-centre operation logs, and then optimised the process by running it over and over again in a simulation.
DeepMind is also applying its AI research to solve problems in its own right. Mr Suleyman, who leads these efforts, has expressed an ambition for DeepMind to help manage energy infrastructure, hone health-care systems and improve access to clean water, in return for revenue streams. The company has already started on health care. Its first paid work came in November in the form of a five-year deal with the Royal Free London, an NHS Foundation Trust, to process 1.7m patient records. Earlier this year it gained access to two data sets from other London hospitals: one million retina scans that it can mine and thereby identify early signs of degenerative eye conditions, and head and neck cancer imagery which, fed into its models, will allow DeepMind’s AI to distinguish between healthy and cancerous tissues.
DeepMind也在應用AI研究來自主解決問題。主管這些工作的蘇萊曼曾表達過此種抱負:希望DeepMind能幫助管理能源基礎設施,完善醫療保健系統,改善潔凈水的供給,以此開拓公司的收入來源。DeepMind已經啟動了醫療保健方面的工作。今年11月,公司獲得了首個付費工作,與NHS公立醫院皇家自由倫敦醫院(Royal Free London)簽下五年的合同,為其處理170萬份病歷。今年早前,DeepMind從倫敦其他醫院獲得了兩組數據集:100萬份視網膜掃描圖,可從中挖掘并辨別出退行性眼病的早期征兆;頭頸部癌癥病例的醫學影像,可輸入到DeepMind的模型中,讓其AI系統學習區分健康和癌變組織。
Da Neu Ron Ron
Skilful programmers and powerful computers are crucial to this applied AI business. But access to data about the real-world environment is also vital. When systems like hospitals, electricity grids and factories are targeted for improvement using AI and machine learning, data about their specific operations are needed.
Alphabet, of course, holds huge volumes of data that can be mined for these purposes. But DeepMind will have to acquire lots more in each of the fields it aims to examine. In the case of a recent project it was involved in on lip-reading, for example, it was the acquisition of an unprecedentedly large data set that made it a success. A group of researchers at the University of Oxford, headed by Andrew Zisserman, a computer-vision researcher, led the work. The BBC gave the researchers hundreds of thousands of hours of newscaster footage, in the absence of which they would not have been able to train their AI systems.
當然,在這些方面,Alphabet公司擁有大量數據可供挖掘,但DeepMind必須還要從其有意探究的各個領域獲取更多數據。例如,最近它參與一個關于唇讀的項目之所以取得成功,就是因為獲得了前所未有的大數據集。由計算機視覺專家安德魯·基澤曼(Andrew Zisserman)帶領的一組牛津大學的科研人員負責了該項目。BBC向這些研究者提供了數十萬小時的新聞播音員錄像。沒有這些數據,他們就無法訓練其AI系統。
Alphabet, of course, holds huge volumes of data that can be mined for these purposes. But DeepMind will have to acquire lots more in each of the fields it aims to examine. In the case of a recent project it was involved in on lip-reading, for example, it was the acquisition of an unprecedentedly large data set that made it a success. A group of researchers at the University of Oxford, headed by Andrew Zisserman, a computer-vision researcher, led the work. The BBC gave the researchers hundreds of thousands of hours of newscaster footage, in the absence of which they would not have been able to train their AI systems.
If it can solve these problems, however, DeepMind will hold immense value as something entirely new for Alphabet: an algorithm factory. That would go far beyond simply being the technology giant’s long-term AI research outfit and talent-holding pool. The data that DeepMind processes can remain the property of the organisations they come from (which should help to allay concerns about privacy), but the software that learns from that data will belong to Alphabet.
DeepMind may not ever make significant revenue of its own by applying AI programmes to complex problems. But the knowledge it sends into learning software from those same sets of data may justify the bidding war that brought it into Alphabet’s compass.