Asia is the largest land mass on Earth. It contains one-third of the world’s land. Much of the land is uninhabited. But Asia holds more than 60% of the world’s people. It has 48 different countries, including China and India. They are the most populous countries in the world. Asia is also the birthplace of the world’s five major religions. They are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Which of the following is true of Asia?
A. It is the largest continent on Earth.
B. One-third of the world’s population lives there.
C. It takes up 60% of the world’s land mass
D. It is the home of 48 different religions.
可以看到這道題目本身并沒有給出任何解題線索和關鍵詞,考生需要把四個選項逐一返回原文核對查找以后,才能得出正確答案。這類題目之所以難度較高,就是因為它會消耗大家比較多的時間,本身考試時間不足答題節奏落后于原定進度的同學面對這類題目很容易因為心浮氣躁,想要加速又加不了而出現錯誤。而且這類題目有個特點,那就是哪怕選項A就是正確選項,考生也會忍不住再去把其它選項也逐一核對確認一下再做出選擇,這其實就是利用了考生患得患失的解題心理。以上題為例,A選項It is the largest continent on Earth.和文章第一句Asia is the largest land mass on Earth.其實就是一個意思,但哪怕考生心中已經比較有把握,也還是需要再看完其它選項才行。這樣的題目相當消耗時間,大家如果遇到請務必注意時間分配方面的問題。
A routine vaudeville show usually began with a silly act, such as acrobats or trick bicyclists. This allow audience members to arrive late and find their seats. The show peaked in the middle with the “headliner”. This act was usually the best in the show. The show would conclude with a “chaser” act. This act was considered good enough to feature but dull enough to make audiences leave the theater.
According to paragraph 2, why did a vaudeville show usually start off with a silly act?
A. Because the audience needed time to arrive and find their seats.
B. Because the audience preferred to begin with silly acts.
C. Because silly acts got the audience ready for serious ones.
D. Because that was the only type of act the theater owner could find.
這道題目不僅給出了關鍵詞線索a silly act,而直接給出了對應內容所在的段落位置,對于考生來說定位返回就變得相當簡單了,考生只要帶著問題讀一下原文,找到答案以后再從選項中尋找出相應的內容就可以順利解題。比如上面這道題問的是威懾呢么雜耍表演開場都要先來個silly act?考生從原文第二句This allow audience members to arrive late and find their seats.就可以直接找到答案,甚至不用讀完整段內容就能獲得自己需要的信息,接下來看到選項A也正好符合要求,那么答案一下子就能確定出來,整個解題過程不會超過30秒。