商業(yè)類話題是托福寫作task2經(jīng)常考到的話題類別,也是讓很多考生覺得難以下手的話題,畢竟對于還在讀書的學(xué)生或者只是搬磚的工作黨來說,商業(yè)總給人一種遙不可及的高大上即視感。其實(shí),任何棘手的話題我們都可以通過轉(zhuǎn)換寫作思路等方式去解決,下面我們就來看一篇托福寫作task2商業(yè)類的真題思路拓展:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Businessmen are only motivated by money.這道題目我們可以從商人的特點(diǎn)為切入點(diǎn)來討論。
Characteristic 1: Profit
商人是以盈利為目的的人群,逐利(go after profit)是商人得以存在的意義所在。但是,很多商人同時(shí)也希望得到自我價(jià)值的實(shí)現(xiàn)和社會(huì)地位的提升。
Sample sentences:
1. Obviously, the reason for people to start business is to go after profit.
2. However, there are other motivations for businessmen to run business, such as self-value and social status.
Characteristic 2: Pragmatist
Sample sentences:
1. Different from scholars, businessmen are pragmatists, who concern more about profit and product, hoping to create fortune for the society, which is another motivation for them.
2. It’s unfair to say that businessmen are attracted by money only, because they also create large amount of wealth for the society.
Characteristic 3: Responsibility
Sample sentences:
1. Although businessmen earn more money, they also bear more responsibilities than ordinary people.
2. Lots of businessmen don’t cease to run business after they obtained enough money, because they have the responsibility to offer jobs to their employees.