摘要:托福獨立口語是最適合考生提升自身綜合口語能力的部分,我們需要充分利用托??谡Z真題資源;來看一篇托福口語task2真題與高分回答吧:Of the following courses, which would you like to be added to your schedule most: music history, economics, or science?
摘要:牛學君為各位分享一篇難度中等、適合基礎段考生提升口語能力的托福獨立口語真題:If your friend wants to make a big purchase without having enough money, what can he do to get enough money?我們在托??谡Z備考過程中一定要注意結合高分回答范文,加強對真題的練習和反思,另外注意練習的時候一定要錄音計時。
摘要:Art is the magic mirror that we create to turn invisible dreams into visible pictures. We use a mirror to see our faces. We use artwork to see our soul. 藝術是我們創造的鏡子,在可見的圖畫中轉動看不見的夢。為了看到我們,我們使用鏡像,我們用它來觀察我們的靈魂。
摘要:一篇好的托福獨立口語回答需要做到有理有據,邏輯嚴明,其實考官并不真正在意你的觀點,但你如何支持你的觀點則顯得尤為關鍵。我們來看一篇難度較高、更適合沖刺階段童鞋進行備考練習的托福獨立口語真題分享:What is the most effective way to resolve a disagreement between friends? Explain your answer.解決朋友間分歧最有效的方法是什么?
摘要:有哪些音樂家、畫家或藝術家的作品是你怎么都喜歡不起來的呢?我們來看一篇難度中等、適合基礎一般的同學備考練習的托福獨立口語真題:Which musician, painter or artist's work do you not like? Why does their work not appeal to you?
摘要:對于藝術家來說,到底是天賦才華更重要還是努力更重要?我們來看一篇難度較大、適合沖刺段童鞋備考練習的托福獨立口語真題:Do you agree with the following statement? To be an artist, a person’s talent is more important than his or her hard work.
摘要:互聯網帶給我們便利,很多人都喜歡通過互聯網交友拓展社交,找到興趣相投的小伙伴,那么這個趨勢到底是好是壞呢?我們來看一道難度較高的托福獨立口語真題討論:Nowadays many people find their social network on the internet. Do you think it is a positive trend?現在許多人在互聯網上找到他們的社交網絡。你認為這是一個積極的趨勢?