Which way do you think is the most effective way to learn? Taking notes, discussion or repeating and reciting?
I think discussion is the best way to learn.
Firstly, group members would help to correct my mistakes that I am not aware of. For instance, last Friday, my friend Lisa pointed out my problem of logical delivery of ideas. This was the first time that I considered my way of giving speeches seriously. Everyone’s brilliant idea would open itself up in a discussion. so I can know people better.
Secondly, it is always fun to talk to classmates. To be honest, I always enjoy the digressions during academic discussions because that usually creates brilliant ideas accidentally.
1.Logics 討論是一種很好的學習方法 R1: group members can help me to correct my mistakes 其他人可以幫助我糾正錯誤 R2: it is just fun to talk in discussion 非常有趣
2. Vocabulary aware of 意識到,知道 logical delivery 邏輯與表達 way of giving speech 演講表達的方式 方法 way of是方法的意思 digressions 離題;脫軌